The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

As t prepares to address the Naval Academy graduates, a couple of alumni compared him to their fellows, citing several heroic acts they have made in defense of America.

"Contrast this to the personal and professional honor of the sitting president of the United States, who time and again makes small choices guided by self-interest, ego, impulse and immediate self-gratification. He could never do what we ask our U.S. Naval Academy graduates to do. He is a physical coward, a liar and no leader at all.",amp.html
Nice op-ed
Funny how we are all laughing as you spin faster and faster as you attempt in vain to defend the most incompetent individual ever elected or ever even seen on a national scale . . . but keep trying, it's funny!
I am laughing at your vain attempt to attach someone with brain damage to your president, but please continue, I am sure I will be the only one to laugh at your pathetic post.
You are welcome,
Why Is the Media Ignoring DOJ Hiding A $70,000 Conference Table From Congress?
Energy | Michael Bastasch

They seem to love covering Trump admin spending
ahhh yes, those reliable numbers that led you people down the path of your own Hubris and ultimate reality. Please continue.
You can scream ‘fake polls’ all you want, Trumpers, but whether you want to admit it or not, Trump got lucky. He’s going to need more than good luck and a very weak opponent, if he’s going to try to win re-election. And with no Electoral College to prop them up, Trump’s Congressional allies are in deep trouble next year.
Man, I thought that Killer Kim and Don the Con coin was a bitcoin, but turns out it's a two-bit coin. A two-bit grifter and two-bit murdering despot... so I guess it's a 4-bit coin. Maybe I can use it to play an 8-bit game!

Hey Slinger.....You can play " Kiestering Kim " after " Pulling Poo ".....