The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

It will be nice to find out the truth, don't you agree?
The truth? Yeah, you try going with that, you have shown a distinct discomfort with the truth since you first came in here. Trump makes things up as distractions, throws out shiny objects, it's the medias job to investigate, but people of reason hardly notice . . . but you of course grab on hard as if it were gospel (possibly an analogy you won't understand, google "gospel").
President Poker-Player: Obama's Tell
In poker, it is not enough to read one's cards; one must also read the other players. This is how we figure out how Barack Obama truly felt about fore...
Incredible how many inaccuracies there are in that propaganda piece. Great example of rightwing entertainment . . . if you want to talk 'tells', lying, deceit, dishonesty and ignorance all ooze from Trump, even when he's sitting talking to small children.
Incredible how many inaccuracies there are in that propaganda piece. Great example of rightwing entertainment . . . if you want to talk 'tells', lying, deceit, dishonesty and ignorance all ooze from Trump, even when he's sitting talking to small children.
So, I know even you aren't dumb enough to say the Kenyan was pro Israel.

THANKS TRUMP? China Pledges To Buy More American Products, Reduce Trade Deficit

The art of the deal.
by EMILY ZANOTTIMay 20, 2018

President Donald Trump drew major heat for announcing, months ago, that he would boost tariffs on goods coming into the United States from China, in an effort to re-balance what he considered an economically fatal trade deficit.

But after months of negotiations, it seems the President's commitment ot the "art of the deal" has changed our relationship with China without many major changes on the part of the U.S., and though nothing is yet official, China says it will buy more American products to "even out" our trade partnership.
Jeez-O you concern yourself with some pretty mundane and obscure BS.

Your Party is scared, as are you......
The one you accuse is posting the TRUTH contrary to the Daily Falsehoods
you've been posting in a feeble attempt to distract from the TRUTH !

Your Life would be much happier and pleasant if you just accepted the
fact that you have been supporting Criminals......come clean and accept
the TRUTH.....Life in Darkness ends with Bitterness...

Trump stunned his own foreign policy team — including then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis — when he tweeted that Qatar is a sponsor of terrorism and seemingly endorsed an economic and political blockage of the tiny, oil-rich nation organized and led by two powerful neighbors, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, or UAE.

How to make sense of a 180-degree shift in policy that seemed so counter to U.S. interests in the region? A few months later, people who suspect the worst about Trump and his minions learned a possible motive that was almost too cynical to comprehend. Not long before Team Trump switched gears on Qatar, key officials from the emirate had met with Charles Kushner — father of Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared, who’s in charge of Trump’s Middle East portfolio — to discuss a massive Qatar-funded bailout of 666 Fifth Ave., the debt-laden Manhattan skyscraper that was threatening to sink the Kushner family real estate empire. But the Qataris rejected the deal — just weeks before the policy about-face. Whatever actually happened, the appearance was simply awful.

It also seems not to have been the full story. This weekend, the New York Times published a stunning report about a plan floated by a longtime emissary for the Saudis and the UAE in early August 2016, when Trump had just grabbed the GOP nomination but faced an uphill campaign against Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump Jr., aide Stephen Miller and Erik Prince, founder of the notorious mercenary outfit once know as Blackwater, listened intently as the emissary offered Team Trump millions of dollars in assistance, including a covert social-media campaign, to help Trump win that would be run by a former Israeli spy who specializes in psychological warfare, or psywar.