2016-17 D1 Women's soccer thread!!!

Very good!!

Now what gutter?
"Correcting a post where he posted his kids were petite. BTW, his older DD is 18 and no longer a kid."
I took that as an announcement that 18 yr olds aren't "kids" anymore so they would/could/should be open to ridicule.
Still confused? Sorry....
The oldest "petite" dd just played a tough game and she and her team mates knocked off the #5 team in the country.
"Correcting a post where he posted his kids were petite. BTW, his older DD is 18 and no longer a kid."
I took that as an announcement that 18 yr olds aren't "kids" anymore so they would/could/should be open to ridicule.
Still confused? Sorry....
The oldest "petite" dd just played a tough game and she and her team mates knocked off the #5 team in the country.
Your DD is also not petite either if she is taller than 5'3".
Please see the "Full Definition" below:

Simple Definition of petite
  • : having a small and thin body
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Full Definition of petite

  1. : having a small trim figure —usually used of a woman


Understand the definition: 5'6" is NOT small and isn't considered petite!




(of a woman) short and having a small, trim figure; diminutive.
"Correcting a post where he posted his kids were petite. BTW, his older DD is 18 and no longer a kid."
I took that as an announcement that 18 yr olds aren't "kids" anymore so they would/could/should be open to ridicule.
Still confused? Sorry....
The oldest "petite" dd just played a tough game and she and her team mates knocked off the #5 team in the country.

I still don't see any gutter.

And what ridicule?
Again my daughter has nothing to do with this discussion.

Others disagree ...even the dictionary has a couple of meanings.
Obviously your making up your own definition. This happens to parents with taller big boned daughters.

In case you didn't know the average US female is 5'4". So tell me how can someone be petite if they are taller than 5'4"?
I've seen his daughter, she's hardly a brut.
I still don't get why you're being so contrary...commenting on another posters dd is not kool and has always been off limits.
Take your own advise move on.
I am waiting for you usual dumb rating icon.
Did I post she was a brute? She could be 5'6" and skinny and still not considered petite!

Do you comprehend english?
I've seen his daughter, she's hardly a brut.
I still don't get why you're being so contrary...commenting on another posters dd is not kool and has always been off limits.
Take your own advise move on.
I am waiting for you usual dumb rating icon.
I learned from the best, right MessiFTW!

I will dummy you up 689 times if needed Lion Eyes!
"Correcting a post where he posted his kids were petite. BTW, his older DD is 18 and no longer a kid."
I took that as an announcement that 18 yr olds aren't "kids" anymore so they would/could/should be open to ridicule.
Still confused? Sorry....
The oldest "petite" dd just played a tough game and she and her team mates knocked off the #5 team in the country.

You are confused! They are still considered your kids no matter what age they are, but they are NOT kids once they hit 18 years old. They are legally adults once they hit 18!

Example: if your 18 year old DD took nude photos of herself and text it to a friend and it was posted to a nude website. It's legal to do so!
Obviously your making up your own definition. This happens to parents with taller big boned daughters.

In case you didn't know the average US female is 5'4". So tell me how can someone be petite if they are taller than 5'4"?
Body mass and build. There are plenty of 5'3" women who weigh in at 180 pounds. Hardly petite.
There are plenty of 5'6" women with petite bodies.
You are using the "SIMPLE DEFINITION"
I'm using the "Full Definition"
That's why I posted BOTH definitions. Notice there is no mention of your magical height number?
But I'll make it easier for you, I'll post yours in blue.

Simple Definition of petite
  • : having a small and thin body
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Full Definition of petite

  1. : having a small trim figure —usually used of a woman

Body mass and build. There are plenty of 5'3" women who weigh in at 180 pounds. Hardly petite.
There are plenty of 5'6" women with petite bodies.
You are using the "SIMPLE DEFINITION"
I'm using the "Full Definition"
That's why I posted BOTH definitions. Notice there is no mention of your magical height number?
But I'll make it easier for you, I'll post yours in blue.

Simple Definition of petite
  • : having a small and thin body
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Full Definition of petite

  1. : having a small trim figure —usually used of a woman


Womens petite clothing is made for women 5'3" and shorter.
Body mass and build. There are plenty of 5'3" women who weigh in at 180 pounds. Hardly petite.
There are plenty of 5'6" women with petite bodies.
You are using the "SIMPLE DEFINITION"
I'm using the "Full Definition"
That's why I posted BOTH definitions. Notice there is no mention of your magical height number?
But I'll make it easier for you, I'll post yours in blue.

Simple Definition of petite
  • : having a small and thin body
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Full Definition of petite

  1. : having a small trim figure —usually used of a woman


Exactly small and thin!

6'6" is not small, but could be thin. 5'2" and 180 also doesn't fit the definition of petite.

If you need a comparison Pepperdine's Bri Visalli is PETITE or the former UCLA fullback Caprice Dydasco is PETITE!
Exactly small and thin!

6'6" is not small, but could be thin. 5'2" and 180 also doesn't fit the definition of petite.

If you need a comparison Pepperdine's Bri Visalli is PETITE or the former UCLA fullback Caprice Dydasco is PETITE!
I meant 5'6" and thin
Body mass and build. There are plenty of 5'3" women who weigh in at 180 pounds. Hardly petite.
There are plenty of 5'6" women with petite bodies.
You are using the "SIMPLE DEFINITION"
I'm using the "Full Definition"
That's why I posted BOTH definitions. Notice there is no mention of your magical height number?
But I'll make it easier for you, I'll post yours in blue.

Simple Definition of petite
  • : having a small and thin body
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Full Definition of petite

  1. : having a small trim figure —usually used of a woman


Genius, I asked my wife and another mom on my DDs club team and both said petite is shorter than 5'3" and thin. They also said, 5'6" and thin is NOT petite. LOSER!