To move or not to move....

I vote for moving. We moved daughter to club at 8, and while we were playing for a "Flight 1/Gold" team the quality of the coaching staff turned out to be "Flight 3/Bronze" at best. Similar story to yours in terms of losing interest and not having as much fun. We tried doing privates after we realized that damage was being done, but I still feel like she lost a year of development.

Moved the next year and combined a few months of privates with a "Flight 1" level coach and she's back to having fun, learning, and it shows on the field.

Edit: I also have to add that driving your kid to practices/games for an entire season while you see them not improving will take a toll on you as well. It was by far the worst experience I've had as a sports parent. I dreaded the weekends. You might find yourself asking questions like, "How the hell did I not get out while I still could? Have I caused permanent damage? How could I have been so stupid?"
Your EDIT is one of the best postings, like, ever! LOL! Your experience is invaluable and parents in similar situations...take heed and listen up! I've been there myself and it ain't pretty.
Move. If you do not move, start researching other sports for her, because the desire to play soccer will be gone forever.