The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Trump Shoots Man on 5th Avenue
Posted at 10:30 pm on May 15, 2019 by streiff

Inevitably it seems, the President last night, while spending a rare evening at Trump Tower in mid-town Manhattan, decided to test his base supporters by firing indiscriminately into a crowd of commuters crossing 5th Avenue. John Douglas, a New Jersey native, and ironically a Trump supporter, was killed by at least two bullets fired by Trump out of his 24th floor office.

Asked to comment, insane ass nutter Sheriff Joe aka Racist Joe stated: “It’s better than if that c%*t Hillary were elected.”

Trump Shoots Man on 5th Avenue
Posted at 10:30 pm on May 15, 2019 by streiff

Inevitably it seems, the President last night, while spending a rare evening at Trump Tower in mid-town Manhattan, decided to test his base supporters by firing indiscriminately into a crowd of commuters crossing 5th Avenue. John Douglas, a New Jersey native, and ironically a Trump supporter, was killed by at least two bullets fired by Trump out of his 24th floor office.

Asked to comment, insane ass nutter Sheriff Joe aka Racist Joe stated: “It’s better than if that c%*t Hillary were elected.”

Trump Shoots Man on 5th Avenue
Posted at 10:30 pm on May 15, 2019 by streiff

Inevitably it seems, the President last night, while spending a rare evening at Trump Tower in mid-town Manhattan, decided to test his base supporters by firing indiscriminately into a crowd of commuters crossing 5th Avenue. John Douglas, a New Jersey native, and ironically a Trump supporter, was killed by at least two bullets fired by Trump out of his 24th floor office.

Asked to comment, insane ass nutter Sheriff Joe aka Racist Joe stated: “It’s better than if that c%*t Hillary were elected.”
At least you are paying attention.
Obama- "Don't hire him"
Sally Yates- "Don't hire him"
t- "Why wasn't I told?"
Disturbing Bit of Trivia: In 2003 Interview, Comey Admitted to Voting Communist in the 70s – Just Like Brennan

Posted at 2:45 pm on May 16, 2019 by Elizabeth Vaughn


On Oct. 28, 2013, President Barack Obama and James Comey participate in the installation ceremony for Mr. Comey as FBI director at the bureau’s Washington headquarters. PHOTO: CHARLES DHARAPAK/ASSOCIATED PRESS

In a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, Comey said that before voting for Carter in 1980, he’d been a Communist. He admitted, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s ties to communism are well known. Although I’ve never heard about James Comey being connected to communism, the words do come straight out of the horse’s mouth.

Just asking, does anyone else find it unnerving that America entrusted the CIA and the FBI to individuals who were, at one point, self-declared communists?

This disturbing bit of trivia comes to us from journalist Paul Sperry.

The author, Chris Smith, wrote that, “Comey has been savaged by William Safire and lauded by Chuck Schumer; just what kind of Republican is he, anyway?”

Comey apparently howled with laughter.

He explained, “In college, I was left of center, and through a gradual process I found myself more comfortable with a lot of the ideas and approaches the Republicans were using.” He voted for Carter in 1980, but in ’84, “I voted for Reagan—I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”

Perhaps his “gradual” move away from communism had something to do with his chosen career path. It may have dawned on him that communist leanings might be a serious disqualifier when one is hoping for a career in government law enforcement, especially during the Cold War.

It shouldn’t really surprise that Obama would nominate former communists to two of the most important offices in the U.S. government. Underneath it all, Obama really is a socialist – who surrounded himself with other socialists like Bill Ayers and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

MAY 17, 2019
Huge new string of criminalities surround California's failed 'motor-voter' system
By Monica Showalter
California's election has unsettled many, given the role of ballot-harvesting in supposedly flipping Reagan-country Orange County entirely blue in the last midterm.

But the details rolling out now are getting far more disturbing. RealClearPolitics investigative reporter Susan Crabtree has put together a string of criminalities surrounding the way California runs its elections which makes one wonder if California has adopted the Venezuela Model of electoral goverance.

She starts with a sickening new report that California's election was hacked through its "motor-voter' system, the system the state has to register as many votes as possible. If a California resident applies for a drivers license in the state, he (or she) gets registered to vote whether he likes it or not. An applicant can only say 'no' to the registration, not 'yes,' the 'yes' is embedded into the system. It's a set-up that relies on the "honor system" for a voter's claims of valid citizenship to vote and there is no verification.

Naturally, such a system is vulnerable to foreign cyberattacks from abroad and one actually happened, from Croatia, and it was one they tried to cover up. Here's what occurred, according to Crabtree's report:

The state has had a motor-voter system up and running for years, but a new law required the Department of Motor Vehicles to electronically transmit information on drivers who are eligible to vote and who visit the Golden State’s DMV offices to the state’s voter rolls, unless they opt out.

Among the concerns surfacing now is that state officials never publicly acknowledged the hacking until California media reported on it last month. And there are lingering questions — and serious doubts — over whether the system’s numerous glitches have been fixed in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential primary and general election.

California officials moved up the state’s primary from June to March to boost its role in determining who wins the Democratic nomination for president, making it even more critical to ensure the integrity of voter registrations, election watchdogs argue.

Up until now, most of us in this state have been pretty confident that our election was hack-proof because it involves paper ballots filled in with a stylus pen on punch-card. It's pokey, but no one can change the ballot a voter casts. This hack is done at a higher point upstream in the system, where voters have no control, and they can't even watch their vote being changed by the computer system (as the Venezuelans could) to know there was fraud going on.

Here's the other disturbing implication of the hack - Crabtree notes that activists say there now are privacy concerns. What a normal person might ask from that is whether some Big Brother manipulating this hackable system might be knowing and recording just how you vote. If hackers can do it, you can bet the state counting the ballots can do it.