
Geez, it sounds like another "kobe" incident involving someone looking to strike it rich. Can I claim rape too and cash in?
Geez, it sounds like another "kobe" incident involving someone looking to strike it rich. Can I claim rape too and cash in?

And no disrespect to the "true" victims. A rapist should get max jail time. I just don't get it that these things only come out so much later. It makes me question the validity.
All Rapist should be shot 3x in heart. Having said that there are many false allegations Kobe, Tyson are a couple of examples. Those women should be charged and given at least 5yrs in prison.
loaded topic. also most media outlets have slants. no one is about sitting back, collecting info and then making an educated finding. the circus going on in washington just make people on all sides want to scorch it all and start over. people with too many agendas and ties to money. hmm, kind of sounds like US Soccer / SUM / MLS.