Private training with current head coach

In general, club coaches should not give private lessons to their players, but it can work. Early in DD's club career she was on a lower level team. She was a starter and usually played all game. She was also the biggest, fastest player on the team. I asked if the coach could recommend a trainer. The coach said that he could train her. While I was a bit hesitant, it worked out well. The lessons were great, he would finish the lesson sweating like he had played a game and would even give some tips to her younger brother and I while we kicked the ball around. Her skill seemed to increase weekly with each lesson. He was a great coach and his guidance was crucial in her ability to move to higher level teams.
had one coach who did voluntary group/privates for free, certain days/times. He lived near practice field, worked further away so he would just stick around after his day job. changed coaches end of the season, same club, also provided group extra-training at a cost, you got a deal if you paid for the month upfront. Always felt kind of shady, coached two teams already, adjacent age groups, with many players dual rostered, then this compensation on the side. The worst part was he'd guilt the girls into attending.

The unspoken thing was "if you don't come to extra training, you won't play as much." My kid was a 80 minute player and didn't see their time dip, but still, for some of the other kids it seemed pretty underhanded.