Players Showcase

Wow how long ago did you apply SO? We just got our application in 2 weeks ago and I thought that was early considering we applied last year in November.
BOT I do not handle the applications but our point guy is Type A and historically has applied very early. He is unfailingly gracious maybe that is the key although your team manager must also be kind and gracious as well.
MC we thought about not going but our players had a great time last year and wanted to enjoy the time together one last time...with early decision application deadline on Wednesday-today-for most they will already be set for college but we have 1-2 who will probably still be looking...
Depending on how many we have left by the end of the year, we may still apply. We will see. Like you, most that will commit, should have committed by then.
He sent an email last night saying he would post the list on Jan 18th. He also asked for additional team information from managers.
Tormenta I got that email but did not see anything regarding additional information. My manager applied and I don't think she had the most current list of team accomplishments. Can you forward me the email to Thanks
Melancholy. For the last seven years, I had the pleasure of watching my girl play in Vegas (with youngers and olders). I had a few previous students (playing in college now) that stopped by the school and were surprised to see me there. So this weekend, and for the next few months, its watching my girl recover from a partially ruptured ACL. Good luck to the girls of Albion OC. As much as I miss the competition, I will not miss the drive.

BTW--looking good on the score board Ted!!!