You forget how to research Magoo?
That's the dumbest question I've ever asked you.
I'm sorry, of course you've forgotten how to research and cite your bad.
To your credit, you're a very good speller. Atta boy!
He forgets that he forgot...

Here's a sample of the police shooting database according to the Washington Post. I believe they hire all races, just so you know. Yeah, cops are only out shooting black people. (cough cough). Now that I think about it, I can't remember a single protest, a single looting mission or a single group of people blocking traffic in support of a white criminal getting shot because he/she didn't comply. Can you?

2019 - 637 so far. 200 white and 139 black
2018 - 452 white and 229 black
2017 - 459 whites and 223 black
2016 - 465 whites and 234 black
2015 - 497 whites and 258 black
So relative to population size, blacks are only about twice as likely as whites to get shot by a cop?
Sounds about right.
Good research!
So relative to population size, blacks are only about twice as likely as whites to get shot by a cop?
Sounds about right.
Good research!
You should do some research period.
Start with crime stats in Chicago....see who's shooting who...and who's committing the majority of crimes.
Let us know what you find out.
You should do some research period.
Start with crime stats in Chicago....see who's shooting who...and who's committing the majority of crimes.
Let us know what you find out.

Gee, that's the same tactic Outlaw used - imply a conclusion and challenge others to disprove it.
So relative to population size, blacks are only about twice as likely as whites to get shot by a cop?
Sounds about right.
Good research!

Relative to population size, African Americans are 13% of the population but responsible for over 60% of violent crimes. Relative to the fact that black folks tell us everyday that they're routinely profiled and constantly harassed by cops for no reason, I'd say you can attempt to make this argument... but you'd be full of shit.
Gee, that's the same tactic Outlaw used - imply a conclusion and challenge others to disprove it.

I didn't imply a conclusion... I presented facts you didn't want to know... which is why you didn't debate me or present me with facts that show an alternative conclusion. The fact is, African Americans kill each other at TEN TIMES the rate a white man or cop will kill them. Try giving me that "relative to population" thing again, please. Maybe something about proximity... slavery... Emmett Till. Poverty is one of my favorite excuses. Because, despite the fact that other races live in poverty, too, well... you get the idea.
Right, so their mass availability, which can create a situation like Chicago, is ok with you. Got it.
You got it? My ass!
Who's shooting who in Chicago?
You think the folks doing the shooting in Chicago are purchasing guns legally?
The situation in Chicago has been created by the Democrats that have run Chicago for generations.
That's ok with you, you pompous ass.
I didn't imply a conclusion... I presented facts you didn't want to know... which is why you didn't debate me or present me with facts that show an alternative conclusion. The fact is, African Americans kill each other at TEN TIMES the rate a white man or cop will kill them. Try giving me that "relative to population" thing again, please. Maybe something about proximity... slavery... Emmett Till. Poverty is one of my favorite excuses. Because, despite the fact that other races live in poverty, too, well... you get the idea.
Magoo is losing some of his reasoning abilities...its's unfortunate.
Right, so their mass availability, which can create a situation like Chicago, is ok with you. Got it.

Guns are available everywhere. You want to know what REALLY creates a problem in Chicago, besides a black mayor and city leaders that say it's racist to address the problem? I'll give you a hint... Oakland, Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Detroit, Baltimore, D.C., etc.