nononono is not a cross dresser anime character named nononono

If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this.

My notes show a new thread title needs a sharp worded reference to a wise guy named nononono. That “she’s” actually an anime cross dressing Olympic ski jumper that is pretending to be her late twin brother. nononono is her first name.

Gentlemen, we have a nononono situation, and the gist calls for needless overuse of this so called nononono character.

Well gentlemen. My job is done. I have to get to the Charger’s game and it’s 45 minutes away. What? nononono, I’ll be there in ten minutes.
If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this.

My notes show a new thread title needs a sharp worded reference to a wise guy named nononono. That “she’s” actually an anime cross dressing Olympic ski jumper that is pretending to be her late twin brother. nononono is her first name.

Gentlemen, we have a nononono situation, and the gist calls for needless overuse of this so called nononono character.

Well gentlemen. My job is done. I have to get to the Charger’s game and it’s 45 minutes away. What? nononono, I’ll be there in ten minutes.
I’m shocked. Shocked to see nononono being written repeated in this fellow’s nononono thread, along with stating nononono in the title, twice I think. Yes, nononono then nononono again.

To boot, nononono appears another five or six times. It’s nononono here, nononono there, nononono practically everywhere. One could argue, not me of course, nononono, not me. But someone else could argue nononono is restated so many times, you can condense it down to a thick broth that sums up to nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono and still yet another nononono.

I’ve just four short words I’ll combine into one to reduce data memory, on my feelings about this travesty, “nononono”.

P.S. just counted Wolf’s nononono list in his nononono post. It was five nononono words, not a sixth nononono. Sorry nononono, but I needed to clarify my mistake about the number of times nononono was used, and nononono was not used as frequently as I thought.
Wolf, you scallywag. I just caught an ad banner involving an Asian cartoon. That darn Jeff Bezos. A trillion dollar algorithm has started to pay off in the small corner of the world where repeatedly using the name nononono multiple times, such as:

nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono,nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono, nononono may yield humiliating results.