Lame Duck Cup Season is here!!!!!

Starts the day tryouts are announced or the fall season ends for some...

Players and parents conspiring and dreaming where they can jump to next... especially acute when players preannounce they are going to the xyz league next and thus the team starts to breaKup before the winter Tournaments or springs ones are even over.


"We are moving to a flight 1 team"

Pick one of the following responses:
1. You mean that team that didn't win a game in flight 1 last year and scored 3 goals all season? I heard their 4 best players are leaving.
2. You mean your kid that plays center striker that hasn't scored a goal in the last 8 games is going to play better in a higher flight?
3. You mean that team with the coach that is leaving to coach at XYZ Community College in Wyoming next month?
4. You mean your kid who misses 1/4 of the scheduled practices because her tummy hurts or she has musical theater practice?
5. You mean your kid who only touches a soccer ball during practice and can't juggle more than 6 times?
Could you please share any information, good or bad, about GPS and mergers/takeovers?
RT's SD Fusion merged (fused?) with NFFC in 2016/17?. RT had a good girls 2003 team. After a year at NFFC, RT took his teams to GPS. When that failed to materialize he seems to have formed SD Strikers. The girls 2003 team seems to still be doing well, so good luck to them. I hope for the players sake that the turmoil is behind them.
Just joined idk how I discovered this forum but am learning a lot from these post. Someone give me their honest feed back.
My son 2011 we started in oc galaxy awsome PCA program afordable great development for the first 2 yrs. we left the club only reason the drive was heavy for him, It was just bad coming from Long Beach area. Then we found about southbay galaxy figured hey same development program but wrong n wasn’t worth every penny. My son was challenge enough , only reason he stayed in good form because i worked on the side with him. Not to mention my son was practicing with 2011 team and 2010 flight 2 team Monday thru Friday. Wasn’t asked to participate in flight 2 games(even tought they played scdsl in flight 1 bracket)or tournaments they had. But we did participate in outside tournent guest playing with other 2010 teams. Season was over November cdsl which was a joke , but now what to do. I saw how this coach managed he’s 2010 n ofcourse my sons age group. I hate jumping teams, but out the 12 kids 4 are leaving for the same reason.
We were asked to come back to OC which now the drive is not as bad. They are offering some discount on team fee.
But at the same time we participated in tournament wit Arsenal I don’t know much about that club but that it’s DA and was offer by the coach who invited us to the tournament wants my son to come play with Arsenal offered a “ scholarship “ to cover the cost of gas. So what to do ? I felt like this year was a waste he had fun but in own words why practice so much if he can’t play?
Could you please share any information, good or bad, about GPS and mergers/takeovers?
Stay away. They were hooked up with UFC and that didn’t work out well. That merger was due to a Ton of issues UFC has over the years. Don’t know any good coaches that would sign up to coach in that environment. Go around to actual training sessions - it’s okay to go to all the different clubs. A good club won’t try to hard sell. Stick with a place Your child likes, think the training is good (for your child’s skill set) and isn’t trying to sell you. Make sure you ask were they he team will be training/fields. A lot of teams end up with training inconsistency due to things like field space. Will only irritate you and can end up feeling like wasting time and money - plus child can start to dislike playing