Hot Sun and Performance

Does anyone have any good tips/advice how to keep the players' feet from burning up on the tuft. My DD's team is playing on tuft this weekend in Pomona where the temp will be 85 degrees, the tuft will be hotter at least by 10 degrees or more. So any advice would be much appreciated.
Not sure this is the best option, but typically I've seen the girls use spray misters filled with really cold ice water and they spray the bottom of their feet. Sure, their feet might get a bit wet, but it beats the burning sensation coming up from the turf through the bottom of the girls' boots. Feet usually dry pretty quickly in that heat so it is only a temporary fix.

Since I appear to be working for Amazon today, here is where I bought ours (you can adjust to a lighter or heavier spray for spraying faces, hair, and jerseys also)

Seems like there should be a better answer tho, would love to hear what others do.
Not sure this is the best option, but typically I've seen the girls use spray misters filled with really cold ice water and they spray the bottom of their feet. Sure, their feet might get a bit wet, but it beats the burning sensation coming up from the turf through the bottom of the girls' boots. Feet usually dry pretty quickly in that heat so it is only a temporary fix.

Since I appear to be working for Amazon today, here is where I bought ours (you can adjust to a lighter or heavier spray for spraying faces, hair, and jerseys also)

Seems like there should be a better answer tho, would love to hear what others do.

On the old forum I seem to remember someone posting about using heat reflective inserts in the cleats. I don't remember the details, but I think cutting a space blanket type material to the shape of the shoe insert and putting it under the insert with the shiny side down would reflect some of the heat from the field.
Must be DD thing....

My son drinks warm water (its not hot, let get real. In shade and not sitting on hot turf, at worst, its ambient temperature) and just pours water on his cleat if its too hot and just deals with it....

Myself, on the other hand, have an ice chest and keep water cold surrounded with ice. Always carry extra water bottles for my kid for half time and after the game.
In addition to the other quote about using space blanket type material, I also recall someone posting on the old forum that they read about someone suggesting cutting out aluminum foil in the shape of the inserts and putting those in the cleats..shiny side facing down in the cleats...then put the insert on top of that. The rationale being that the heat-reflecting properties of the foil would help direct the heat away from the bottom of the foot. Not sure if it worked out or not but I'd be willing to try it the next time the weather turns warm and the game is on turf.