Experience with Multiple Concussions?

Here is something I read that makes me follow my doctors advice and tell other parents who think "he/she looks fine, suck it up": one study documented 9% of people who suffered a 2nd concussion while recovering from a concussion DIED. I wouldnt take that chance with ANY child.

Actually, the mortality rate for SIS (Second Impact Syndrome), which occurs when a person has yet to recover from the 1st concussion and then suffers a second concussion is roughly 50%. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/second-impact-syndrome
Actually, the mortality rate for SIS (Second Impact Syndrome), which occurs when a person has yet to recover from the 1st concussion and then suffers a second concussion is roughly 50%. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/second
Actually, the mortality rate for SIS (Second Impact Syndrome), which occurs when a person has yet to recover from the 1st concussion and then suffers a second concussion is roughly 50%.


the study with 50% mortality rate (2007 study) is often questioned another study:

in either case the mortality rate is between 9% - 50%. which is still mind-blowing. The study above also noted something I really didnt think about - car accidents. You cant plan for a car accident. So it isnt as simple as not letting your kid play again too quickly. They can fall, be horsing around and hit their head, be in a car accident or jolt their head by having to brake quickly. When my oldest had his concussion, he would complain about heading the ball, even months afterward - in fact, as I sit and think about it, he says it still bothers him to head a ball. Hard to tell if its psychosomatic or if the concussion has made him more sensitive to any head trauma. I told have my kid focus on his heading technique, strengthening neck muscles (along with maintaining flexibility) but in the end it might not matter if he is always worried about the impact of the ball. The concussion he experienced was over 2 years ago and he still worries about impacts.
sorry 50% mortality rate study was in 99'. these studies should be given to parents who play sports. dont think id let my kid play HS football given he his head injury history. we are probably lucky he hasnt had more head knocks given he plays keeper half-full games