China Tells HRC To Kick Rocks....Israel Tells Talib & Ilhan To Kick Rocks...!!

Hillary Rodham Clinton spouts off about Hong Kong and China
goes for a well deserved groin shot....!

No I don't agree with what China is doing, but in this case they
get my up vote for the comment to the Hagatha....!

People's Daily, China @PDChina

.@HillaryClinton has called for support of
the rioters in Hong Kong. Let's see what
happened when she "supported"
Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq.


1:45 AM - Aug 15, 2019

And these two dirtbags just got their message via
public condemnation with a :

" Hell No You Are Not Welcome Here ! "

Israel tells them they are not welcome.

Now all three of you " Kick Rocks " and STFU !!