All things disgusting with and around dump

Did you shit yourself back in 2012 when Obama congratulated Putin after his election?
How 'bout after Obama called Mohammed Mursi to congratulate him on his election as President of Egypt?
You'll recall Mursi as a Muslim Brotherhood Islamist...


Yes a bunch of fucking hypocrites...shocking...they you go puss T.
Seems the pussy grabber is a gigantic pussy himself as he won't confront Putin about any of shenanigans, total election fraud and murders Russia has been involved with in the last couple weeks, weak! Hillary is much bigger man than Trump. Trump is huge pushover for Putin and Putin knew he would be. Does Putin have something on Trump or is Trump simply a weak, yellow bellied pussy? What a joke Trump is, it's embarrassing.
Translation: "I'm a self-absorbed petulant sore loser still wetting myself over the election" #butthurtbrigade
So Trump paid 150K to keep the hot one quiet but only 130K for the porn star?
I don’t get it...I would have paid the hot one to tell people she had an affair with me!
Translation: "I'm a self-absorbed petulant sore loser still wetting myself over the election" #butthurtbrigade

Maybe it's true that the Fox Propoganda machine has started stamping all you conservatives out like little robot clones of each other that all think and talk exactly the same. But part of me wonders which of the nutters in here has created a new screen name.

Anyway, judging from your first post you sound like a lame human being. Hopefully you won't post much.
Maybe it's true that the Fox Propoganda machine has started stamping all you conservatives out like little robot clones of each other that all think and talk exactly the same. But part of me wonders which of the nutters in here has created a new screen name.

Anyway, judging from your first post you sound like a lame human being. Hopefully you won't post much.
Pretty judgmental of you.
Pretty judgmental of you.

Just calling it as I see it. Nobody new comes in here the first time and just starts dropping bombs like that.
Or else if he is new and he's going to come in like that then he'd better be a total animal with the rhetorical skills- or it's going to be rough in here for him.
Just calling it as I see it. Nobody new comes in here the first time and just starts dropping bombs like that.
Or else if he is new and he's going to come in like that then he'd better be a total animal with the rhetorical skills- or it's going to be rough in here for him.

Rough how? Anybody can tell lies, especially when there are so many lies already posted here to copy.