Enough with the fighting Rebels SC

Fine then shame on both teams. Unless the violence was in self defense, which it does not appear to be the case, it is still inexcusable.

And to say that most of these players came from other clubs and all the problems start at the “bottom” is so demeaning to lower level players.

Unless you were there let’s not assume you have all the facts. It is acceptable to fight? Absolutely not but I want a team that protects each other. This situation was a girl that punched another from behind?! Again it’s not acceptable but I just thought I’d clear the air, it’s very easy on any forum to start painting your one side.. It’s also very clear you have some hatred for this club so let’s try to be objective here and not let your personal views start painting a picture you know nothing about cause you weren’t even there.

If my comment about lower level teams being a little chippy and rough is demeaning.... Well you’re not being realistic... Specially in the orders.
Unless you were there let’s not assume you have all the facts. It is acceptable to fight? Absolutely not but I want a team that protects each other.

If my comment about lower level teams being a little chippy and rough is demeaning.... Well you’re not being realistic... Specially in the orders.
Protects vs being vigilantes is two different things. From the picture it looks like the girl was on the ground. Why continue to hit her?

A few years back by dd’s we’re playing on a team against Matt Robertson’s Hotspurs. Our goalie dove to get the ball and 3 Hotspurs started kicking her repeatedly. My dd ran up, stood over the goalie and pushed the other girls away without hurting them. She used just enough force for defense. Can you say that happened in your case?

Also, the OP says that there have been a couple incidents with this team this year. What are your excuses for those issues?
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Protects vs being vigilantes is two different things. From the picture it looks like the girls was on the ground. Why continue to hit her?

A few years back by dd’s we’re plating on a team against Matt Robertson’s Hotspurs. Our goalie dove to get the ball and 3 Hotspurs started kicking her repeatedly. My dd ran up, stood over the goalie and pushed the other girls away without hurting them. She uses just enough force for defense. Can you say that happened in your case?

Also, the OP says that there have been a couple incidents with this team this year. What are your excuses for those issues?
I figured out why I have never heard or witnessed this behavior ever. This is pathetic. You seem to witness a lot of fighting in soccer games.
I’m a little late to this party, but my dd played against the Rebels 02 team recently and honestly, the squad and parents were all class. That’s the only time she’s faced them since a tournament way back in U12 in which I can’t remember too much other than they had tenacious physical defenders. Obviously there’s so many comments about other teams that the old adage of “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” comes to mind, but my experience shows that you shouldn’t judge whole clubs by individual teams. We had two games against an Arsenal team last year where I was convinced they were the biggest collection of thugs anywhere in club soccer, but then played them again this year and they were totally class. I know there’s a few players/parents on teams my dd has played on through the years that made me cringe and hope others didn’t judge us by.
I have a lot of kids.
I write fast and by no means do I mean you sir or mam are pathetic. Only that you and the Kiddos have witnessed so much fighting. Good for your dd to protect and not retaliate. If my dd was in a soccer game and someone pushed her from behind she would most likely push back and then try and score. Sorry you and the family have to endure this crap!
Protects vs being vigilantes is two different things. From the picture it looks like the girl was on the ground. Why continue to hit her?

A few years back by dd’s we’re playing on a team against Matt Robertson’s Hotspurs. Our goalie dove to get the ball and 3 Hotspurs started kicking her repeatedly. My dd ran up, stood over the goalie and pushed the other girls away without hurting them. She used just enough force for defense. Can you say that happened in your case?

Also, the OP says that there have been a couple incidents with this team this year. What are your excuses for those issues?

Again you simply weren’t there and your making assumptions based on a picture lol?! Clearly you are using this thread to vent your hatred about a club based on one team you’ve played against. Not sure if it’s bitterness towards a club your daughter could never make a first team for or simply a bad experience but I would suggest next time you play a Rebels team feel free to talk with some of the parents .... They’re actually pretty respectful

You’re much too involved to say my “my daughter plays for fun”... Clearly you don’t see it the same way or you wouldn’t be a platinum member to a message board that is a collection of complaints for the most part.
You’re much too involved to say my “my daughter plays for fun”... Clearly you don’t see it the same way or you wouldn’t be a platinum member to a message board that is a collection of complaints for the most part.
My kids all graduate with over 4.6 GPAs and 99 percent on the ACT so no they play for fun. * Including full Regents Scholar to Cal. The only reason I am on this site is to monitor it every week cause a wacko coach named Matt Robertson and wacko parent named McCool started to badmouth my kids team and kids by name. I found out about it and put a stop to it. And if you don’t think my kids could make the Rebels top team go speak to your own wacko parent, Dominic. End of story.
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My kids all graduate with over 4.6 GPAs and 99 percent on the ACT so no they play for fun. * Including full Regents Scholar to Cal. The only reason I am on this site is to monitor it every week cause a wacko coach named Matt Robertson and wacko parent named McCool started to badmouth my kids team and kids by name. I found out about it and put a stop to it. And if you don’t think my kids could make the Rebels top team go speak to your own wacko parent, Dominic. End of story.

Wow this went off the rails for you.. Gold star for you. Don’t know a Dominic and don’t care to ask.

I’ll finish with this. You did your daily “monitoring” cause you’re worried about someone talking trash about “your kid” then decided that this thread pertained enough about them to add your two cents about an event you were never at. Then proceeded to talk openly about some Dominic person who hasn’t apparently replied to anything on this. Please don’t be a hypocrite.

Congrats on the great parenting and getting you kids thru school but let’s no throw stones in something you know nothing about. Best of luck in life, it’s gonna be sad when there’s no more need to monitor this site to protect your family while taking trash openly about others.
Wow this went off the rails for you.. Gold star for you. Don’t know a Dominic and don’t care to ask.

I’ll finish with this. You did your daily “monitoring” cause you’re worried about someone talking trash about “your kid” then decided that this thread pertained enough about them to add your two cents about an event you were never at. Then proceeded to talk openly about some Dominic person who hasn’t apparently replied to anything on this. Please don’t be a hypocrite.

Congrats on the great parenting and getting you kids thru school but let’s no throw stones in something you know nothing about. Best of luck in life, it’s gonna be sad when there’s no more need to monitor this site to protect your family while taking trash openly about others.
Yes when a wacko that I do t even know, with at least 8 verified screen names, that has a long history of losing control and is known by parents from South San Diego all the way up to Beach for being a psycho and calls club DOCs threatening lawsuits and gets on here and uses my kids names, I have a problem and will make sure she stops it.

What is your reason for being on here since as you have said as much that your player is a bottom player?

Dominic is the 04 ECNL goalies dad.

It is never acceptable to kick a downed player in the face regardless of the circumstances. And you still have not answered what happens in the other games. Talk about being a hypocrite.
Nobody wins these arguments on the internet, and they usually escalate and get ugly. This one is right on a crash course.
Yes when a wacko that I do t even know, with at least 8 verified screen names, that has a long history of losing control and is known by parents from South San Diego all the way up to Beach for being a psycho and calls club DOCs threatening lawsuits and gets on here and uses my kids names, I have a problem and will make sure she stops it.

What is your reason for being on here since as you have said as much that your player is a bottom player?

Dominic is the 04 ECNL goalies dad.

It is never acceptable to kick a downed player in the face regardless of the circumstances. And you still have not answered what happens in the other games. Talk about being a hypocrite.
Nobody wins these arguments on the internet, and they usually escalate and get ugly. This one is right on a crash course.

Incorrect... The mic dropped on my last reply. Best of luck out there all. Enjoy this while it lasts, I know I took it all for granted
Protects vs being vigilantes is two different things. From the picture it looks like the girl was on the ground. Why continue to hit her?

A few years back by dd’s we’re playing on a team against Matt Robertson’s Hotspurs. Our goalie dove to get the ball and 3 Hotspurs started kicking her repeatedly. My dd ran up, stood over the goalie and pushed the other girls away without hurting them. She used just enough force for defense. Can you say that happened in your case?

Also, the OP says that there have been a couple incidents with this team this year. What are your excuses for those issues?
One thing is for sure, that photo was not from 2019. The woman's clothes, the players' cleats, and the uniforms are all circa 1995. Don't see a team name either.

More experience with my sons vs. Rebels than daughter, but never any issues with parents from that club through 12+ years of kids playing. Blues parents on the other hand...well, I will stay on the high road.
I recall this Lady whom went bananas when I would not personally listen to her rant. I apologized for taking a liberty with an email I didnt get club approval for. This could have been left at that. Instead of her two years later, dragging my name into something that was long over.

As far as the 04 rebels ECNL team we have never in the 5 years playing for the club had a fight on the field. Rebels has many 04 teams two at our club, a Rebels IE and Rebels East club Let's keep things real and avoid the fake news. Rebels 04 ECNL has never fought at a game.

I'm not sure if her daughter plays for Notts, Matrix, Strikers or Ayso. They have had so many names I lost track a couple seasons ago. As far as her kid making our team maybe if she did we would welcome her with open arms.

Just like Hillary lost and Trump is our president. Get over it. And stop spreading fake news watch the various video clips out there and fact check your accusations. Red cards and yellow cards in a club this big does not compare to those of much smaller clubs. Do your best to keep it classy! Wish you and your husband all the best!
I recall this Lady whom went bananas when I would not personally listen to her rant. I apologized for taking a liberty with an email I didnt get club approval for. This could have been left at that. Instead of her two years later, dragging my name into something that was long over.

As far as the 04 rebels ECNL team we have never in the 5 years playing for the club had a fight on the field. Rebels has many 04 teams two at our club, a Rebels IE and Rebels East club Let's keep things real and avoid the fake news. Rebels 04 ECNL has never fought at a game.

I'm not sure if her daughter plays for Notts, Matrix, Strikers or Ayso. They have had so many names I lost track a couple seasons ago. As far as her kid making our team maybe if she did we would welcome her with open arms.

Just like Hillary lost and Trump is our president. Get over it. And stop spreading fake news watch the various video clips out there and fact check your accusations. Red cards and yellow cards in a club this big does not compare to those of much smaller clubs. Do your best to keep it classy! Wish you and your husband all the best!
The reason I brought you up is because you are the poster child of what is wrong with the Rebels. Parents on your own team agree with me. That email list was used in violation of Presidio rules and multiple coaches were upset about it. And you kept on emailing me. Of course I want to know the psycho’s name. And to post garbage on your kids Instagram account pretending to be her and arguing with kids over the post is deranged.

All I need to know about the incident is that a girl was down and got kicked in the face. I know all you Rebels parents are bragging that 4 Blues players started it after the game and 1 of your players singlehandedly took all of them on. Congrats on having such a great fighter. But I am not sure how red cards were issued after the game?

My only point is that problems at a club are the responsibility of the DOC and coaches. Don’t blame chippy low level players that came from another club. And that it is wrong to kick someone in the face when they are on the ground. I can’t believe anyone would argue about this point.
Nobody wins these arguments on the internet, and they usually escalate and get ugly. This one is right on a crash course.
Stop trying to inject civility. Ruins the ensuing drama!
