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Most people don’t buy used cars with the expectation that they’ll last more than 150,000-200,000 miles, so that’s a strange one.
Maybe she's not most people.
Most people don't cry for a whole year when they lose an election.
Maybe she's not most people.
Most people don't cry for a whole year when they lose an election.
You definitely aren’t most people then. You cry daily about elections you lost 9 years ago and 5 years ago and you cry daily about an election you won, because you’re mad at who lost!
You definitely aren’t most people then. You cry daily about elections you lost 9 years ago and 5 years ago and you cry daily about an election you won, because you’re mad at who lost!
Even these guys hold their nose and say, "Yeah but he got us Gorsuch." . . . there ain't much else besides lil joe's tongue in cheek admiration of how he pisses off the majority of people.
You are very good at the former and your union takes care of the latter, union boy.
Your little union schtick is a bit silly don't you think? You have displayed a complete lack of understanding how my union works and your own son is in a completely different union that operates is a distinctly different manner . . . they all do. Our country grew strong with unions and has now weakened with the shrinking of unions. Maybe you should spend some of the endless hours you do posting obscure material and read up on how unions helped build America and the middle class . . . and oh yeah, you won't learn any of that from the corporate funded sites you frequent.
Your little union schtick is a bit silly don't you think? You have displayed a complete lack of understanding how my union works and your own son is in a completely different union that operates is a distinctly different manner . . . they all do. Our country grew strong with unions and has now weakened with the shrinking of unions. Maybe you should spend some of the endless hours you do posting obscure material and read up on how unions helped build America and the middle class . . . and oh yeah, you won't learn any of that from the corporate funded sites you frequent.
Unions had their day, now there is no need for them.
Most people don’t buy used cars with the expectation that they’ll last more than 150,000-200,000 miles, so that’s a strange one.
My three oldest kids all bought cars with over 100k on them. It's called being a realist and understanding basic economics. My two oldest still own their cars and my third has only had hers for about 8 months. Not counting my current truck, the last two trucks I had both had over 200k and my Ford had 315k when I sold it.
My three oldest kids all bought cars with over 100k on them. It's called being a realist and understanding basic economics. My two oldest still own their cars and my third has only had hers for about 8 months. Not counting my current truck, the last two trucks I had both had over 200k and my Ford had 315k when I sold it.
My oldest sons first truck was a handmedown from my friend that had passed away, 1991 f350 dually with 200k, my second son got a 65 falcon that we restored, 125k at least. Right now my fireman son has a 96 f150 with 130k and my younger boy has a 91 jeep with over 100k.