Climate and Weather

We have three pages of non-debunking from you people, trying to not debunk something that hasnt been debunked.
(Waving your arms around saying, "debunked" is not debunking)

Those web page owners are so happy to have you as a click-customer, because no only can they say "put your message in front of thousands of eyeballs", but they can offer proof that they will believe anything.
What a moronic response, having nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
This is what you said,
Wez said:
To a degree, but what is considered moral is different for different people and cultures.

This is the USA, we have a culture already. Shitface.
Lol, you're like a little kid who keeps telling lies hoping to find a new friend that believes him.
There are plenty of lies, but Im not the guy telling them.
If you say you "debunked" something you have not debunked, that would qualify.
All I did was post three videos without comment.
The Virginia Gov Race was Rigged and the Media is still Silent !

Wez said:
Lol, you're like a little kid who keeps telling lies hoping to find a new friend that believes him.

Dude I think you've had your ass slammed since youth and the only outlet
you can lash back on is this forum.

Your God Damn lucky your Fat Ass is a Pussy....