What's the deal with LA United B07 in EA2?

Have they really beat all teams by 10-0? or is this some kind of error?

Have they really beat all teams by 10-0? or is this some kind of error?

Straight from ea website, "The EA2 club with the highest PPG for their 6 teams (U13-U19) at the end of the season will be promoted to the Elite Academy Southwest Conference for the following year."
Interesting stats. The goal differences show them as the 4th best offense in the country (but only the 1200th best defense). They also did go 0-3 in a tournament late November. It will all likely normalize once they are playing more similar competition.

Straight from ea website, "The EA2 club with the highest PPG for their 6 teams (U13-U19) at the end of the season will be promoted to the Elite Academy Southwest Conference for the following year."

For PPG, they are probably referring to the points for wins/losses/draws, not goals per game, right?
Interesting stats. The goal differences show them as the 4th best offense in the country (but only the 1200th best defense). They also did go 0-3 in a tournament late November. It will all likely normalize once they are playing more similar competition.

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As Jamiesfoes points out, currently the plan is for the club to be promoted, not the team. That would be SoCal Elite most likely if trends hold. Also how would it work....isn't this the LAUFA 3rd team? LA Surf has two teams in the EA so guess that's how it would work? In any case, given how the second team is doing it shows poor differentiation and assignment of players, which also goes to show that team placement in the big clubs isn't always about merit or talent (since there is an MLS team, it is always possible the second team gets raided by the first since the first is a midlevel MLS Next Team).

ps I'm not sure but isn't 10 points the maximum blowout spread they allow?