I talked to my pal the other day and he just refinanced his house for like the third time in 6 years. It seems all he talks about these days is when he will pay off his house ((debt)) and how low his interest rate is now. He pulled some cash out a few years ago and just started a new 15 year deal. He's 48 so 63 is when he said he's going to retire. It's all planned. I asked him about his health issues and he got mad at me and then went low, "where is your house bro." Anyway, he works his ass off to pay his huge payment each month and eats like shit Bruddah because of all the stress to pay off house in 15 years. To each his own
I feel for those guys. They donʻt realize that even the lowest rate Iʻve seen, 1.88%, is still an effective rate of 43%. I could probably show him how to pay it all off in about 7 years.I talked to my pal the other day and he just refinanced his house for like the third time in 6 years. It seems all he talks about these days is when he will pay off his house ((debt)) and how low his interest rate is now. He pulled some cash out a few years ago and just started a new 15 year deal. He's 48 so 63 is when he said he's going to retire. It's all planned. I asked him about his health issues and he got mad at me and then went low, "where is your house bro." Anyway, he works his ass off to pay his huge payment each month and eats like shit Bruddah because of all the stress to pay off house in 15 years. To each his ownI think someone owns his ass but whatever........lol
I talked to my pal the other day and he just refinanced his house for like the third time in 6 years. It seems all he talks about these days is when he will pay off his house ((debt)) and how low his interest rate is now. He pulled some cash out a few years ago and just started a new 15 year deal. He's 48 so 63 is when he said he's going to retire. It's all planned. I asked him about his health issues and he got mad at me and then went low, "where is your house bro." Anyway, he works his ass off to pay his huge payment each month and eats like shit Bruddah because of all the stress to pay off house in 15 years. To each his ownI think someone owns his ass but whatever........lol
Devil Dog?that is a common path have a couple guys like that at the recruitment office. Our military hooks us up. But people still mange to jack everything up and blow there money .Harleys lifted trucks is whats in i guess