T 2.0

I first posted this years ago --

"It's time for t to start his own party and let the conservatives have the Republican Party back."
Why does the left value the opinions of actors, comedians and musicians so much? Kamala allegedly dropped $20 mm for their endorsements.

Almost half of the self-proclaimed Republicans who have won the Presidential race in the lifetime of most of us here have been professional entertainers.
Ok, I will ask another way. Why is it relevant to you that this social media comedian validate your opinion.
Tommy Campbell is a sincere political commentator who presents his positions in a humorous manner. T is an entertainer of a different type, more on the criminal lunatic side of the personality spectrum.

In a slightly different matter, Reagan was sincere and consistent in his positions; t's positions vary from year to year and even day to day.
Tommy Campbell is a sincere political commentator who presents his positions in a humorous manner. T is an entertainer of a different type, more on the criminal lunatic side of the personality spectrum.

In a slightly different matter, Reagan was sincere and consistent in his positions; t's positions vary from year to year and even day to day.

Trump's been very consistent on his positions as a politician, although some of his positions have changed from when he was a "civilian".
While in line at the DMV yesterday (actually, it was after the wait in line, while seated waiting for our number to be called ("B190 at Window 35")), we spoke with many t supporters waiting along with us. One lady said that t will make the lines shorter by deporting everybody in front of us.

On the positive side, the business at Window 35 took only about 30 seconds.