Oooofff...would be terrible to be a family on one of those teams: hour+ added commute you didn't bargain for, you may not speak English as your primary and the coach may not speak Spanish, you are basically trying out for your position with a new coach, and you have to learn a playing style which is 180 degrees different than the one you were playing....GKs in particular are in for a rough time.Yes, they currently have an in-season MLSN team (sort of), but they've recently seen an exodus of players. The issue started when they began the season training in one area, then replaced the coach and moved the practices to Santa Monica. The commute became too much for parents, so many left the team. I thought they were holding tryouts to bring in a few players to help rebuild the roster, but it turned out to be tryouts for their EA or MLS Next 2 team, which ended up being a waste of time.
Mass tryouts are never a good way to get onto the top fully formed team. Find the coach and email footage instead. The sole exception for mass tryouts is if the team isn't fully formed (e.g., first year).
If regular MLSN really cared about the proper development and placement of players, they'd require each club to have a placement director that would be in charge of overseeing tryouts and the placement of players at the appropriate status (core/futures/reserve/bio) and level (MLSN, MLS2, EA). Coaches could still have a say on the placement of their teams, but it would lead to a more meritocratic sorting like the academies. It would eliminate problems like coaches playing favorites or not wanting send players down, players on the 2nd team not getting promoted because the top team is full, and the difficulties in how biobanding is working. The placement director would be responsible for receiving periodic reports from the coaches, and attending games and trainings. As it is, the regular MLSN still operate like little fiefdoms. If I have a December born 2010 player that I want to get biobanded into the 11s, there's no real mechanism right now...I'd have to apply to the 10s, the 10s coach would have to have the 11s look at him, they'd have to come to an agreement, and then agree to bio band...instead I should be able to apply to the placement director who would take the first pass at evaluating the player and then look to place them appropriately....the 11 would only get bio banded right now if the 11's coach scouted him and wants to use him to swing the team's performance in their favor by bringing in an older player.