December tryouts

Now that most December tryouts are over, I've seen and heard of many clubs having really bad numbers. So the question to the forum is " Where are the 09 girls?". Seems to me like there's a shortage of girls in this age group.
Maybe they are all siblings of older players. And the parents have caught on to the fact that they can wait until July to find a team if they want.
I've heard this from coaches and tournament directors as well, that G09s are in short supply.
But it maybe a blessing come college commit time when more scholarships are available to a smaller pool of girls ;)
There got to be a silver lining right?

It will be interesting to see what happens to the age group as they hit 12 yrs old (11v11) and have to look at their ECNL and DA options.
Fewer but stronger teams, or more parity??
I've heard this from coaches and tournament directors as well, that G09s are in short supply.
But it maybe a blessing come college commit time when more scholarships are available to a smaller pool of girls ;)
There got to be a silver lining right?

I think you are right, I just did a quick enrollment search and the Los Angeles School District and enrollment is lower for the 3rd graders (last year) than others. The same is the case for my North orange county region.

Time to invest in private lessons to payoff for college scholarships :)

LAUSD enrollment
Grade 3
2013-14 115,599
2014-15 117,579
2015-16 114,167
2016-17 112,635
2017-18 106,085
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2010 was a crappy year economically. Bad economy = less people having kids. Bad economy means more people move out of pricey So Cal.
2010 was a crappy year economically. Bad economy = less people having kids. Bad economy means more people move out of pricey So Cal.
Maybe you're on to something. The 2007 birth year seem to have been the peak for US births. The 2017's was the lowest U.S. births in 30 years. Maybe it seems like there are less 09 teams at each club since Slammers FC has so many 09 teams? :)
Round 1 tryouts was promising and round 2 begins next week. Seems like teams are folding given that next year it's 9v9. Should be interesting to see how many teams fold going into next year.
What teams are folding?
Still speculative and dont want to start a rumor at this time but there's a bunch of teams that are not doing state cup. There's other players coming to tryouts concerned about their existing team not surviving. And Clubs with 2 or 3 2009 teams are consolidating or having a tough time finding players for all of their teams.
I think all of the movement/folding/consolidation is pretty much standard quo at this time of the year. This year will be interesting with the transition to 9v9...I think there will be a bit more consolidation/folding of teams to accommodate the larger rosters needed.
What happens to fcgs ninja they barely made it with enough players at 7v7 hopefully the can pick up some players and stay with it.
FCGS Ninja is a solid team, and I would not worry too much for its future. They play well. The person managing the team (JP) is well-connected and likely able to help bring in players. The team is going U11, so this is the year when there will be a lot of incoming AYSO talent for all clubs, and there is no reason FCGS won't get its share.

I know they are solid we have played them and that's why I am hoping things work out but just concerned because they played alot with no subs or even short in the past. Wishing them luck moving forward
The team is going U11, so this is the year when there will be a lot of incoming AYSO talent for all clubs, and there is no reason FCGS won't get its share.

I think that Caltek is right. There were so many teams with just 8 or 9 players that will not make it now that we go to 9 v9. Also a lot of 09 teams had 2010 girls that will be leaving their old team to play in a new team at their age group.