DA vs. Non DA Tournament Tactics

Hey not all low cost teams play boot ball, nor do all DA teams choose development over winning.
Actually, I don't know any DA or $2000+ club that doesn't put wins and egos above everything else.

There are two ways to enjoy a youth soccer game. It largely depends on taste. Bear with me here...
To be a violinist, well, a "real" violinist, takes years. Thousands of hours, doing scales and positioning and blah blah for years. Much like it takes to be a "real" soccer player.
But with that same instrument you can fiddle. I don't know how much dedication to the craft is required but I'm sure your daughter could be fiddling in a fraction of the time, should she choose to. She could even play Jailhouse Blues and beat a "real" violinist's version of Bach's #Whatever at a high school talent show. The real violinist's dad will have fought back the tears at the sight of his daughter creating such beauty. You'll be happy too. It's really fun to win. It's a matter of what you want from the experience.

By the way, local teams in Catalonia sometimes beat the Barcelona youth teams playing boot ball. Only at the youth level, though. Later they get crushed.
Well my soccer game attendance will cease the minute she quits playing....and Charlie Daniels might have an issue with your analogy...