
  1. Surfref

    Presidio/SDDA League new spectator rule should shut up crazy parents

    Presidio/SDDA will implement a new sideline behavior rule that should hopefully stop the crazy parents from yelling at the referees and players from the other team. The actual rule (copy and pasted) from the Presidio website is below. In a nutshell, if a spectator/parent is ejected from the...
  2. D

    Offside - (You call it) - Flash Lag effect

    This is an answers video, but it is good enough for purposes of discussion. You can find the full test as well as the "difficult" test here This is a good intro to the flash lag effect. Flash lag is when "A moving object is perceived as spatially...
  3. D

    Overseen at Blues Youngers

    Overseen at the Surf Sports Park/Del Mar Polo Fields this weekend for the So Cal Blues Tournament. For context: only Youngers were held at this location, the Olders were in Oceanside. We all kind of guessed that this happens, but I always thought it was beer, or at least something more...
  4. D

    Parent Compliments

    Here's my spicy hot take for the week: If we referees really believe that parents are uninformed/biased, then we should ignore/dismiss parent compliments just as much as we do parent complaints. Similar corollary for coaches. If a coach compliments me towards the beginning of the game...