"Oh my gosh, were on the same team. Stop it"


Yes, but we learned to post on social media
YeahInteresting how the Puppet Brothers are always here or somewhere else at the same time.
View attachment 26496
I think she'd probably also like to repeal that pesky, "no, you can't legally marry your brother" act.
I remember the Brett Kavanaugh trial.I got blacklisted for speaking my truth to elites who ran youth soccer. These people cheat so bad they think they won fair & square. They told me to STFU or else my kid will be labeled a club hopper with a hawk dad. Total losers!!!
Watch: https://1a-1791.com/video/fww1/0c/s8/2/a/v/m/w/avmwy.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf
These types of cheaters are evilI remember the Brett Kavanaugh trial.
"Do you remember what he did?" - No
"Do you remember when he did it?" - No.
"Do you remember where he did it?" - No.
"Do you remember who you were with?" - No.
"Do you remember how you got to the party?" - No.
"Do you remember how you got home from the party?" - No.
Yep... old Brett is guilty as charged.