
Offer still stands, I know you're curious...

Ah yes, those that spew, "Personal responsibility and individual freedoms!" then want to tell you how to live and dictate what you can and can't do . . . usually based on their already filtered by interpretation, interpretation thereof, of centuries old writings that have been changed and "abridged" over time written by men who, some said God talked to them (which in those days was always the ultimate trump card).
Ah yes, those that spew, "Personal responsibility and individual freedoms!" then want to tell you how to live and dictate what you can and can't do . . . usually based on their already filtered by interpretation, interpretation thereof, of centuries old writings that have been changed and "abridged" over time written by men who, some said God talked to them (which in those days was always the ultimate trump card).

Group delusion.
Yes, yes of course, all or nothing. Ask some people to think about their habits and where they could improve by not being so wasteful/messy and they curl up in a ball and cry, "Then NOTHING AT ALL! NOTHING AT ALL!" Is it that much to ask for you to actually consider the world around you, outside of your sphere of influence?
No. Consideration is all you posers do. You pay lip service to the environment while your very life relies on fossil fuels.
Ah yes, those that spew, "Personal responsibility and individual freedoms!" then want to tell you how to live and dictate what you can and can't do . . . usually based on their already filtered by interpretation, interpretation thereof, of centuries old writings that have been changed and "abridged" over time written by men who, some said God talked to them (which in those days was always the ultimate trump card).
Where should I send your prescription for antibiotics?
Have to say, I'm pleased with Trump so far. I mean... now that I'm officially in the I hope he fails camp... his first week couldn't have gone any better. I mean think back to the tea-party rally's or trumps election rallies and those both changed the face of the republican party. Now think about how small those rally's were compared the women's marches and anti-muslim ban rallies.

And all the anti-trump marches were spontaneous, that's the best part. Imagine what it will be like 6 months or a year down the road unless Donny Little Hands stops acting so desperate to get his name in the papers with all these poorly written, ill conceived executive orders.
Have to say, I'm pleased with Trump so far. I mean... now that I'm officially in the I hope he fails camp... his first week couldn't have gone any better. I mean think back to the tea-party rally's or trumps election rallies and those both changed the face of the republican party. Now think about how small those rally's were compared the women's marches and anti-muslim ban rallies.

And all the anti-trump marches were spontaneous, that's the best part. Imagine what it will be like 6 months or a year down the road unless Donny Little Hands stops acting so desperate to get his name in the papers with all these poorly written, ill conceived executive orders.
Youʻre more wounded then we were led to believe.
That would be the "group" part.
Looks like your part of the minority that believe they know better. You know.... smarter than the group.
As smart as you believe yourself to be, you sure are humble.

Ah yes, those that spew, "Personal responsibility and individual freedoms!" then want to tell you how to live and dictate what you can and can't do . . . usually based on their already filtered by interpretation, interpretation thereof, of centuries old writings that have been changed and "abridged" over time written by men who, some said God talked to them (which in those days was always the ultimate trump card).
Really? Changed? Where?
Ah yes, those that spew, "Personal responsibility and individual freedoms!" then want to tell you how to live and dictate what you can and can't do . . . usually based on their already filtered by interpretation, interpretation thereof, of centuries old writings that have been changed and "abridged" over time written by men who, some said God talked to them (which in those days was always the ultimate trump card).
You guys are really hurting. One idea at a time. You might be more brilliant if you paste instead.