The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

It's called bankruptcy in most cases. A.k.a. Too small for a bailout.
Anyone watch todays t talk? What a rambling mess.

Obviously you " Tried " to understand commonsense proper English used by
the POTUS, but you stumbled hard and fell on your face when he moved onto
two and three syllable words....hence your above response of a " Rambling Mess "...
Poor Poor Rodent......

What are you going to do when they come for you...........
Yea I read all about how to file bankruptcy from the Trump bio.

Take heed, you will need the practice when your investment in " Messy " Financial
takes a dump very soon....." Messy " was deep in the Chinese manufacturing Industry,
now he's buying Depends because he's shittin his britches over the rapid contraction
in China....Take Heed Fishsmellinrottenpuka, the over fed Panda is starving and a Military
incursion on Taiwan could happen any minute !