The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Globalists like McCain and Justin Trudeau dont represent the citizens who elected them, but rather the idea of a centralized world order.
Its a classic pinko pipe dream.
Civilization vs the cavemen . . . the world you seek no longer exists . . . unless of course mass nuclear destruction occurs and we are bombed back into the stone ages. Is that why your type are war mongers? An unconscious desire for a simpler world?
“In countries where confidence in the U.S. president fell most, America’s overall image has also tended to suffer more,” Pew reports. “In the closing years of the Obama presidency, a median of 64% had a positive view of the U.S. Today, just 49% are favorably inclined toward America. Again, some of the steepest declines in U.S. image are found among long-standing allies.”

“Favorability ratings have only increased in Russia and Vietnam,” Pew reported.
Donald J. Trump


Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!

4:03 PM - Jun 9, 2018

Donald J. Trump


PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!

4:04 PM - Jun 9, 2018
#Snowflake POTUS #butt-hurt baby t
Civilization vs the cavemen . . . the world you seek no longer exists . . . unless of course mass nuclear destruction occurs and we are bombed back into the stone ages. Is that why your type are war mongers? An unconscious desire for a simpler world?
I am neither a war or a monger.
Simple is always best.
In this case, McCain is acting more like an American than the criminal lunatic t.
McCain is probably as far gone as you are.
He was rode hard and put away wet, not by the Viet Cong, (they straight up tortured and broke him) but by the leftist manipulators in our government and media.
McCain is probably as far gone as you are.
He was rode hard and put away wet, not by the Viet Cong, (they straight up tortured and broke him) but by the leftist manipulators in our government and media.
I see you aren't to fond of those who still occasionally remember who they are supposed to represent and not always carrying water for the wealthy elite . . . and those they pay to sway with propaganda.
Civilization vs the cavemen . . . the world you seek no longer exists . . . unless of course mass nuclear destruction occurs and we are bombed back into the stone ages. Is that why your type are war mongers? An unconscious desire for a simpler world?

Advancing civilizations always look for the Easy/Simple path to increased success....

You Cavemen just want to drag around your women and beat animals to death....
Or vise versa....
JUNE 11, 2018
Read of the Day: Sharyl Attkisson knocks one out of the park with devastating analogy
By Thomas Lifson
Sometimes an analogy is the best way to change minds. Commitment to one side in a debate can lock minds into a framework. But take the same principles and apply them to an analogous situation where the locked-in prejudices don’t apply, and the blinders can fall away.

That is exactly what Ms. Attkisson has done with a column in The Hill. She takes on the ridiculous reasoning applied to justifying the FBI spying on the Trump campaign and applies it to bank robbery. She begins:

Once upon a time, the FBI said some thugs planned to rob a bank in town. Thugs are always looking to rob banks. They try all the time. But at this particular time, the FBI was hyper-focused on potential bank robberies in this particular town.

The best way to prevent the robbery - which is the goal, after all - would be for the FBI to alert all the banks in town. "Be on high alert for suspicious activity," the FBI could tell the banks. "Report anything suspicious to us. We don't want you to get robbed."

Instead, in this fractured fairytale, the FBI followed an oddly less effective, more time-consuming, costlier approach. It focused on just one bank. And, strangely, it picked the bank that was least likely to be robbed because nobody thought it would ever get elected president - excuse me, I mean, because it had almost no cash on hand. (Why would robbers want to rob the bank with no cash?)

Stranger still, this specially-selected bank the FBI wanted to protect above all others happened to be owned by a man who was hated inside and outside the FBI.

So, to protect this bank owned by the guy the FBI hated, the FBI secretly examined a list of bank employees and identified a few it claimed would be likely to help robbers - or, at least, would not stop a robbery. How did it select these targets? By profiling them based on their pasts.

These particular bank employees, the FBI said, were chosen because they worked long ago with customers who might have known bank robbers in the past - maybe not the particular robbers planning a bank robbery this time, but different people who knew people who were thought to have robbed banks in the past ... or, perhaps, people who thought of robbing banks at some point but never got around to it.

It gets even better, making the absurdities of the justifications for the spying obvious. Read the whole thing.

Image via Flickr