Roll Call - (2007s)

"SoCalSoccerForum" earned it's rep by being a place that brings people together to form a community that forges friendships and rivalries. Information is shared, debates are had, flame wars ensue, and Goats graze. Vets, Newbies, Lurkers and Trolls all have their place, and for those that answer "The Call" the forum becomes something real as people meet and put a face to the name.

Parents, players, and coaches alike break down silos and SoCalSoccer can stand for things that mean something, see Katie Hawley.

In an attempt to remove the blur and paint a clearer picture of what the forum can be, I challenge you to answer the call and put yourself out there. I will be putting up the roll call in several age groups. Once the season is done for the "olders", I will proceed with the same in those age categories. I will update the original post accordingly as the roll call expands. Who's up first?

Roll Call (11 Members)

CDA Slammers HB

The HB Dad

Eagles - ECNL


Empire FC

Fight on

Force FC


Freedom FC

LAFC Slammers - ECNL


Real So Cal - DPL


San Diego Surf
Lightning Red

San Diego Surf - DPL

SC Blues - Baker

Scorpions - ECNL (MA.)
Surf Zombie
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It’s not even close to the same RF! The kids and parents were SUPER COMPETITIVE back then, Names like Play U9, Casper, Dilligaf, Playin4Keeps, Black Magic, Kid Kaka, Sombitch, Dimension! So much Shit talking but that made the games so much more fun.
It’s not even close to the same RF! The kids and parents were SUPER COMPETITIVE back then, Names like Play U9, Casper, Dilligaf, Playin4Keeps, Black Magic, Kid Kaka, Sombitch, Dimension! So much Shit talking but that made the games so much more fun.

@Sombitch is still around! I could have sworn I saw Casper post a few times on this new forum as well.

You had a lot more personalities that's for sure!