How to be Loan player?

how do we find teams that possibly need loan players for tourneys? We have an 03 boy that would like to get more time out there but his team is not doing tourneys this summer. Thanks in advance. New to this stuff.
how do we find teams that possibly need loan players for tourneys? We have an 03 boy that would like to get more time out there but his team is not doing tourneys this summer. Thanks in advance. New to this stuff.

The loan players I have seen got their spots these ways --

-older sibling's team (and younger sibling's team once when the younger team played up a year in a tournament)
-coach's older team
-other team same age in same club
-older sibling's coach's other team
-mother's friend's husband's team
-indoor league friend's friend's outdoor team (which caused a little stress for the original coach)

Further explanation on the last - indoor league teammate (A) who played outdoor for a different club formed a 4-man team for 3v3 tournament including my son. One of the 3v3 teammates (B) moved to a different club the next season, and that club was headed to a big tournament (Dallas Cup) but lost a couple of key players to injury, so B called A who called my son. We ended up guesting with that team for a couple of years whenever they had an opening, and transferred to that team for State/National Cup one year.
The bigger tournaments like Man City have Guest Player sign up, when a team registers it asks if you want to be notified of availability of guest players.
The bigger tournaments like Man City have Guest Player sign up, when a team registers it asks if you want to be notified of availability of guest players.

Don't count on that much. Normally when a out of area team needs players they ask some local club directors or coaches for recommendations and those are the players who end up guesting for the most part.

Guest playing is normally through relationships like espola noted. Friends for another team, coaches, or director's who have seen or know your player.

If your team is not playing tourneys seek out other teams & coaches in your club that are. Often time easier guesting within a club vs outside. Either way make sure your player discusses this will his current coach because they will find out either way.