
Why do I have the sudden feeling, we're all about to experience another brokeback mountain rant about how he doesn't find women attractive.

Your mind does have a dark secret that needs to be kept in
the " Closet " doesn't.....Poor Poor Tiny " T "....suffering
the throbbing pain from watching that movie...
But " Once was not enough " for you....was it, that's why
YOU referenced it.
This is so good, hearing the Dem candidates talk about the takeover of our economy by billionaires and the corps they run for shareholder benefit, at the expense of labor and the middle class and American manufacturing.

I agree, but it's also tricky to come up with an answer as to what is the cure?

I remember reading at one point Obama said the filibuster was the problem with current government stagnation. That there were issues which vast majority of American of all political stripes agreed with- but that with the 60 vote minimum in the Senate that it was too easy for small groups to block the larger groups will. I've always been a traditionalist, it is starting to feel like it's naive to pretend that we can just keep going on with the waste and deficit spending.

I'm not with Bernie or Warren's solutions yet. But I'm also not for ignoring obvious problems only because it's good in the short term either...
Last edited:
Your mind does have a dark secret that needs to be kept in
the " Closet " doesn't.....Poor Poor Tiny " T "....suffering
the throbbing pain from watching that movie...
But " Once was not enough " for you....was it, that's why
YOU referenced it.

Throbbing pain? lol
Throbbing pain? lol

Tiny " T "....you can question the wording in your mind,
but to post what excites your initial cognitive impulses
shows that the wording stimulated you past the
emotional level and into the motivational components
of stimuli pushing you to display your excitement on
a visual level with the result being your above post....
The end result is a temporary heart rate increase on
your part that simulates a subtle but some what odd
gratification by viewing the wording i posted as a
response to another Forum individual....You.
The biggest loser in last night’s Democratic presidential primary debate was not on the stage. It was former president Barack Obama. Throughout the night, as rivals challenged Joe Biden, Obama’s vice president and current frontrunner, it took the form of blistering attacks on the Obama administration over immigration, criminal justice, and even his signature achievement, the Affordable Care Act.-- David Marcus
The biggest loser in last night’s Democratic presidential primary debate was not on the stage. It was former president Barack Obama. Throughout the night, as rivals challenged Joe Biden, Obama’s vice president and current frontrunner, it took the form of blistering attacks on the Obama administration over immigration, criminal justice, and even his signature achievement, the Affordable Care Act.-- David Marcus


Under the Bus he went......!
2020 = Clear Vision....!

The Democrats are the antithesis of Clear Vision.

The last two nights exposed the absolute Dirty Disgusting side of
each and every Democrat running for President...

From Elizabeth Warren's constant lying and wretched behavior to
Cory Booker and his Blatant Lies that even Anderson Cooper couldn't
hide from other commenters on his panel.....

And here's the biggest take away of all....the Democratic Party is now
picking Candidates by the Color of their skin rather than their quality
and character.....

Kamala Harris is a Piece of Shit ( And ALL of California KNOWS IT ! )
Cory Booker is a Piece of Shit ( And ALL of New Jersey KNOWS IT ! )
Julian Castro is a Piece of Shit ( And ALL of Texas KNOWS IT ! )

The above three will be the Democratic Party Choices....

The two supposed " Darlings " Warren and Biden will get the boot
by late December ...early spring of 2020....

Gabbards is the " Odd " duck out and that is why Google is trying
very very hard to ruin her chances......!
Tiny " T "....you can question the wording in your mind,
but to post what excites your initial cognitive impulses
shows that the wording stimulated you past the
emotional level and into the motivational components
of stimuli pushing you to display your excitement on
a visual level with the result being your above post....
The end result is a temporary heart rate increase on
your part that simulates a subtle but some what odd
gratification by viewing the wording i posted as a
response to another Forum individual....You.

What the heck?
He out lived his usefulness.

Hey, you're still proudly posting under the name Sheriff Joe, even though the guy is a convicted criminal. I'm surprised you're not sticking up for the hard core Obama set. I'd think you'd see them like brothers. Even though of course Sheriff Joe was in jail, and with Obama we're just talking about some other dems not liking him- but it's kind of practically the same thing? Like if you squint your eyes a little bit when you look....
Hey, you're still proudly posting under the name Sheriff Joe, even though the guy is a convicted criminal. I'm surprised you're not sticking up for the hard core Obama set. I'd think you'd see them like brothers. Even though of course Sheriff Joe was in jail, and with Obama we're just talking about some other dems not liking him- but it's kind of practically the same thing? Like if you squint your eyes a little bit when you look....
Sheriff Joe went to jail?
The biggest loser in last night’s Democratic presidential primary debate was not on the stage. It was former president Barack Obama. Throughout the night, as rivals challenged Joe Biden, Obama’s vice president and current frontrunner, it took the form of blistering attacks on the Obama administration over immigration, criminal justice, and even his signature achievement, the Affordable Care Act.-- David Marcus
Obama wasn't a loser. The people attacking him will be the losers and Biden will look better.
Obama wasn't a loser. The people attacking him will be the losers and Biden will look better.

All Biden had to have done was sit quietly and keep his mouth shut. He would have won in a walkover after the others finished pointing put all of each other's faults.